Advanced Diploma in Addiction and Mental Health

Specific Job(s) for Graduates:

Mental Health and Substance Use Counselor, Disability Support worker,

Sobering & Assessment Centre Worker, Crisis Bed relief worker, Addiction’s caseworker, Detox house

attendant, Addictions Counselor, Wellness advocate, Crisis Bed Relief Worker, Rehab caseworker, Rehab



Drawing from theory and practical knowledge, this Advanced Diploma in Addiction and Mental Health

is designed to provide students with the most up-to-date knowledge, skills, and

strategies to practitioners who want to make a career in providing support services, especially

connecting clients to resources.

If you enjoy providing support services to people experiencing

challenges in the use and misuse of substances, this program is for you.

Students are prepared for substance-related challenges, emphasizing the importance of evidence-in-


An important part of this program is to guide learners to acquire advanced skills and strategies

to support families and individuals struggling with the impact of addiction and substance misuse.


View Program Requirement

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